Trade Based Brand Equity - Its much more than Sales + Trade Marketing Let me te…
My blog intends to bridge the gap between the sales & marketing theories taught in MBA schools and the requirements of Indian corporates.
I have leveraged my multi-industry expertise and teaching experience across various MBA schools in integrating academics to practical aspects followed in Indian market. At the same time, I have tied to keep the content simple to understand, easy to implement and more relevant with respect to the corporate sector in India
It shall be helpful for all those marketing & sales guys who...
Have just completed MBA or going to complete it…
Young executives in sales & marketing without a formal education in management…
Young-mid level managers looking for a role change
Ever since evolution few defining characters of Humans…
They are Animals who are genetically a self-Trainer and Ideator…hence they continue to be @ the top of food chain…
The urge to explore made them Road Tripper by nature….
The genesis for continuation of any form of life…knowledge sharing with next generation…humans formalized and Standardized…its now called Education…
I also have all those in me like all other humans…only submission…I loved those & they are my passion…